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Support High Among Arizonans for Equal Rights Amendment

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                               May 20th, 2019

Support High Among Arizonans for Equal Rights Amendment

63% of Arizonans support ratification of the ERA 

PHOENIX (May 20th, 2019) – Arizona voters overwhelmingly support passing the Equal Rights Amendment, according to the latest OHPI Arizona Public Opinion Poll (AZPOP).

The Legislature came into the 2019 session prepared to pass a bill adopting the U.S. Constitutional amendment. Support, however, fizzled. Not so for the voters across the state – with 63 percent of voters approving the Constitutional amendment.

“What was surprising is that Rural Republican voters supported the ERA at 50 percent,” Mike Noble, Chief of Research and Managing Partner of Phoenix-based research company OH Predictive Insights. “Legislative leaders may want to reconsider their opposition to holding a vote on the ERA.”

The poll also found, that despite several attempts by legislative Democrats to raise the issue, few likely Arizona voters were aware that the ERA was under consideration. When asked in a survey by OH Predictive Insights only 27% responded “Yes” to the question, “Were you aware that the Arizona State Legislature has recently been debating if Arizona should ratify the Equal Rights Amendment?”

“What may come as a shock to the Arizona political class is that the public can be almost oblivious to the important issues being debated at the Capitol, ” Noble said.

The two key insights from the crosstabs is that support is strongest among respondents under the age of 44. While the ERA is not underwater with any one political party Republicans show the weakest support at 44% while Independents support is at 69%, and Democratic support is at 79%.


Methodology: This blended poll was conducted via live caller and IVR. The survey was completed by OH Predictive Insights on May 1, 2019, and May 2, 2019, from an Arizona likely 2020 General Election voter sample. The sample demographics accurately reflected party affiliation, gender, region, and age. The sample size was 600 completed surveys, with an MoE of ± 4%. Numbers may not total 100%, due to rounding.

***The Arizona Public Opinion Poll (AZPOP) is paid for by OH Predictive Insights with the goal to provide Arizonans with accurate and unbiased data related to current events and public opinion. Questions released are not sponsored by any organization, unless disclosed. AZPOP does not affiliate or partner with media in the release of it’s polls.

Media Contacts: Mike Noble, OH Predictive Insights,, (480) 313-1837

Haylye Plaster, OH Predictive Insights,, (602) 687-3034

About OH Predictive Insights: Phoenix-based OH Predictive Insights provides accurate polling, focus groups, data analytics, and advanced targeted marketing to political and non-political clients alike. With leading professionals in the advertising, communication, polling and political arenas, OH Predictive Insights will service political and non-political clients looking to improve their footing on key stakeholders and consumers. For more information, please call 602-402-5181 or submit a request online.



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